Frankly, I am sick of people not being able to think for themselves.
Every time I turn on the television or go on any mainstream news website online (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, you name it), all I see are articles and videos dedicated to Romney and Gingrich. It's always Romney vs. Gingrich, Romney doing this, Gingrich doing that and even has articles about Santorum. All while completely ignoring the one guy that actually has plausible ideas and uses his brain (aka common sense).
Why are people so blind? Why are they such sheep and can't put together their own opinion without the media influencing them? The truth is, the media shapes reality and there is no way around it. But at some instance, while watching the news, something has to click in people's brains.
You see all the neat little ideas that Romney and Gingrich throw out during the debates. For example, Newt Gingrich's proposal to build a lunar base/colony sometime during his presidential term. People seem to like that stuff. They cheer, praise Gingrich. Then Romney comes up with great ideas about bringing our economy to life, promising to use his investment skills to "create" jobs. Really, really neat ideas. But how would you do this? Romney, Gingrich and Santorum throw crap at the American people and they eat it all up, without thinking twice. Then, when it's Ron Paul's turn to speak, he presents himself as a guy with "boring" ideas because the guy actually understand where our problems are stemming from and how to go after the source of the problem, rather than try to evade the source of the problem and just try to sound like they will fix the issue, when in reality nothing will change. Remember Obama's "change" speeches? Yea, that's what I'm talking about. It's good to dream folks, but reality sucks.
The fact is, we are a nation that is in an enormous crisis. We are 15+ trillion dollars in debt and growing, increasing at about 2 trillion dollars per year. (as a result, we are suffering a prolonged inflation period). The truth is, none of the plans that the other candidates wildly talk about will work in the bigger picture. Sure, you might build a base on the moon, but you are only hurting the American people with those ideas. Sure, you want to create new jobs and decrease the national debt, but the plans don't allow for such improvements.
None of the candidates talk about how they are effectively going to decrease the debt. President Obama keeps on raising the debt ceiling, we keep spending beyond our means and we, the people, are hurting because our dollar is worth less and less with the constant printing of currency going on.
Nobody goes after the SOURCE of the problems. All the other candidates (other than Ron Paul) side-step the source of the economic problems, and try to find solutions which might sound good to the American people, but in the long run, will become a burden to the people. Romney and Obama's idea to fix our debt burden, in a nutshell, is to tax the American people at higher rates. Sure, this method might work in SLOWLY reducing the national debt, but all of this comes at a cost, especially to the poor and middle class. Sure you are taxing the wealthier folks at higher rates, but the majority of the burden will be on the middle class and poor, which are plenty more numerous than the wealthy in this country. We keep placing the majority of the burden on the middle class and this is why the middle class is disappearing.
Let's think for a second here. Wouldn't it be much more plausible and sensible to try and reduce the debt by cutting unnecessary spending on the federal level, rather than burden the people with the immoral taxation for the things that weren't even approves (for example, it's incredibly unfair to place the war burden on the American people for constitutionally undeclared wars, such as the war in Iraq). Why not remove unnecessary bureaucracies, such as the federal department of education (let states take care of educational requirements and allotments) and the TSA. Not only will this decrease the national debt at a faster rate than simply increase taxes on the general population, but you will not burden the people of this country to pay for the immoral debt and in the long run, encourage enterprise innovation. People will have more money to create businesses, create jobs and resurrect the middle class, which is dying out quicker than we could have ever imagined.
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