Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ron Paul Finishes 2nd in Minnesota; Santorum is 3/3

In a night full of surprises, Rick Santorum managed to win Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri (even though no delegates were awarded in Missouri). Ron Paul finishes 2nd place, and is looking forward to Maine, where he is poised to finish 1st place and collect his first victory of the year.

Wait, Rick Santorum won Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota?

It's mind numbing that Rick Santorum, the guy that devalues civil liberties, that is a big government lover, blood thirsty war monger and all around one of the most corrupt senators ever, could have such a successful night. I guess all the old folks and evangelical Christians were out in full force last night.

It just goes to show that no matter how good a certain candidate is for the future of this country, people will rather vote for candidates that share similar religious affiliation rather than a candidate that will save rights, save lives and has plans to get this country back on track.

Come on people, wake up already.

On a side note, quick summary of Rick Santorum:


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