Monday, February 20, 2012

Voters Believe Santorum Is A Candidate Like Them

I can't believe what I read on Yahoo this morning. Apparently, Republican voters feel that Rick Santorum is "one of them." The full Yahoo article can be found by clicking here.

Here is what one Ohio resident said about Santorum (excerpt from the Yahoo article):

"Maybe I think he is more like me," said David Diyani, 58, a pastor at the Vineyard Church in Etna, Ohio. "I feel like I can relate to him."
Oh, man. Do people really think like this? When we have all these problems going on around the world and in this country including the economic crisis, crisis overseas with the wars overseas and other national conflicts, people decide to support a guy who is "down to earth" or who is "more like them." It's quite obvious that Rick Santorum promotes bloodshed and wars; Just looking at his foreign policy solidifies this claim. While Santorum was a U.S.  Senator for Pennsylvania, Santorum largely supported the foreign policies that George Bush implemented while he was in office.

This would lead me to believe that the people supporting Santorum are just as crazy as he is. If Santorum were president, he would have no problems waging another undeclared war and attack Iran, bringing much more damage and bloodshed to this country. The guy has absolutely no legitimate economic plans. He has no idea how it is to run the country, given his radical policies. It seems like the reason these people are connecting with Rick Santorum is because there is obviously some kind of religious attraction towards Santorum. The same people supporting him most likely hate homosexuals, are not for freedom and liberty and are just plain uneducated.

Freedom: Not in Rick Santorum's interest (Image Credit: AP/Charlie Riedel)
Don't get me wrong, I do agree with Santorum on some issues. For example, his proposal to cut corporate tax rates to 17.5% from the current 35%. This proposal could potentially lead to job growth. But what good is job growth if your currency is declining? What is the purpose of increasing jobs when in reality, inflation is a daily struggle and will not be fixed unless the Federal Reserve is fixed. However, on most vital issues, Santorum is just insane. He is a guy that is pro-censorship, meaning that in his ideal world, the internet would be completely censored because, according to him, the internet "has a lot of bad" and needs a fix. Santorum is anti-freedom and anti-civil liberties. He supports the NDAA, which Obama signed into law. It basically gives the U.S. Military the authority to arrest, interrogate, torture and jail any American citizen on U.S. soil who commits "belligerent" act(s) against the U.S. government (the term "belligerent" is absolutely ambiguous). Not only that, but the President has the authority to murder the U.S. citizen that was termed to have committed a "belligerent" act against the United States. As president, Rick Santorum would outlaw gay marriage, outlaw contraception, outlaw abortion and a slew of other procedures. Rick Santorum always voted to increase the debt ceiling. What's worse is that Santorum is playing the "small government" ticket right now, and the people are buying it. Does Santorum sound like a guy that would support small government, given that he would preferably outlaw the above?

Rick Santorum is as corrupt as they get. In 2006, Santorum was unanimously held as the most corrupt Senator in the United States. As a result, he lost his 2006 re-election bid to Democrat Bob Casey Jr. by a margin of 41%-59%. Rick Santorum is also a politician that doesn't follow the laws he is supposed to abide by while serving the people. In 2004, it was discovered that Santorum was living in Virginia as well as Pennsylvania while being a Senator for Pennsylvania, which is clearly against the Constitution. You can read more about the 2004 incident here.

The only thing Santorum has going for him these days is that he shares his family life with the voters. People seem to love the fact that a presidential candidate like Santorum talks to openly about his family values and personal values, basically drawn in to that instead of stepping outside the box for a moment and realize who they are voting for.


LOL at all the people buy all the crap Santorum says.


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