Why Should We End or Reform The Federal Reserve?

Ending the Federal Reserve would seem like a daunting and unnecessary task. Find out why it's necessary and how it should be done.

The Complete Story Behind Iran

Find out the complete truth about Iran; Everything from US involvement to the escalating conflicts in Iran today.

Complete Ron Paul Interview With Piers Morgan

Watch the complete, uncut interview with Ron Paul on CNN with Piers Morgan.

Media? Why We Should Stop Blaming The Media

The mainstream media seems to be a common scapegoat for not emphasizing him enough. However, we should not jump the ship and look at the bigger picture.

Ron Paul: The "Gold Standard" Foreign Policy

Find out why Ron Paul has the most sound foreign policy and why Israel agrees.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Website Has Moved..

Go to www.votepaul2012.net for your latest news regarding Ron Paul and the liberty movement!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ron Paul Wins New York Straw Poll

Ron Paul has won the most recent straw poll. This one is in New York, where he convincingly bested Mitt Romney with a 31.9% to 22.3% finish. Although the straw poll is nothing super significant in the republican race for the nomination, it definitely helps Ron Paul get some much needed momentum. Not only that, but Ron Paul winning the straw poll in New York shows the tremendous grassroots support he has all over the country. You can read more here or read the excerpt from "The State Column" below:
Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, clobbered Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum in a New York straw poll Thursday night, according to a post from the Facebook page of the Amherst GOP Presidential Caucus. 
Mr. Paul won the Amherst GOP straw poll with 31.9 percent of the votes (30 votes). Mr. Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, finished in second place with 26.6 percent of the votes (25 votes). Mr. Romney, a former Massachusetts Governor, took third place with 22.3 percent of the votes (21 votes) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich finished at the bottom of the Republican pack with 19.2 percent of the votes (18 votes). 
The New York straw poll was not Mr. Paul’s first straw poll victory in the 2012 presidential race nor is it likely to be his last. Nearly defeating Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) in the Ames straw poll in August of last year, the Texas congressman’s numerous straw poll victories have become an important part of his campaign to become the next Republican presidential nominee. Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/2012/02/24/ron-paul-clobbers-romney-santorum-in-new-york-straw-poll/#ixzz1nMlGYPZm

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ron Paul: Let The People Spend The Money, Not The Government

After a strong debate in Arizona, Ron Paul followed with a strong interview with John King on CNN. If you want to help bring back the economy, let the people spend the money, not the government.

As the debate went on, it was evident that there was really no difference between Romney, Santorum or Gingrich. They label themselves conservatives, when in fact they all voted for increased spending. Santorum contradicted himself a couple of times, saying that he was against government interference in decision making about how people want to live their lives, then says that contraception should be outlawed and that there should be a federally funded alternative to planned parenthood.

Romney, Santorum and Gingrich are all scare tacticians and love to use fear mongering to scare the American people that it's necessary to keep killing American soldiers against an almost invisible threat in Iran. Of course, if the American people don't wake up now and see through all this bullshit, they never will. Ron Paul actually uses logic in his foreign policy take and backs it up with historical information, for example the fact that we didn't have to fight a war with the Soviet Union regarding their nuclear weapons. We communicated with the Soviet Union peacefully and no war was necessary.

Of course, if the American people don't wake up now and see through all this bullshit, they never will.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Veterans March For Ron Paul Is A Huge Success (Video)

The Veterans March for Ron Paul in Washington D.C. turned out to be a huge success. Thousands of people showed up to march in the streets of the nation's capital to show their support to the only candidate that cares about them and their well being.

Ron Paul gets more military donations than all other GOP candidates and President Obama combined! This fact speaks volumes, ladies and gentlemen.

You have all these other candidates, such as Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum talking about waging more wars, such as attacking Iran and a host of other nonsense. The fact of the matter is that the American people and the Armed Forces in the United States are sick of fighting and all the bloodshed that seems to have no other purpose than corporate interest and greed.

Listen to the men and women that fight for us. Listen to what they have to say. They are the ones that put their lives in danger, day in and day out. There is a reason why they are supporting Ron Paul.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Voters Believe Santorum Is A Candidate Like Them

I can't believe what I read on Yahoo this morning. Apparently, Republican voters feel that Rick Santorum is "one of them." The full Yahoo article can be found by clicking here.

Here is what one Ohio resident said about Santorum (excerpt from the Yahoo article):
"Maybe I think he is more like me," said David Diyani, 58, a pastor at the Vineyard Church in Etna, Ohio. "I feel like I can relate to him."
Oh, man. Do people really think like this? When we have all these problems going on around the world and in this country including the economic crisis, crisis overseas with the wars overseas and other national conflicts, people decide to support a guy who is "down to earth" or who is "more like them." It's quite obvious that Rick Santorum promotes bloodshed and wars; Just looking at his foreign policy solidifies this claim. While Santorum was a U.S.  Senator for Pennsylvania, Santorum largely supported the foreign policies that George Bush implemented while he was in office.

This would lead me to believe that the people supporting Santorum are just as crazy as he is. If Santorum were president, he would have no problems waging another undeclared war and attack Iran, bringing much more damage and bloodshed to this country. The guy has absolutely no legitimate economic plans. He has no idea how it is to run the country, given his radical policies. It seems like the reason these people are connecting with Rick Santorum is because there is obviously some kind of religious attraction towards Santorum. The same people supporting him most likely hate homosexuals, are not for freedom and liberty and are just plain uneducated.

Freedom: Not in Rick Santorum's interest (Image Credit: AP/Charlie Riedel)
Don't get me wrong, I do agree with Santorum on some issues. For example, his proposal to cut corporate tax rates to 17.5% from the current 35%. This proposal could potentially lead to job growth. But what good is job growth if your currency is declining? What is the purpose of increasing jobs when in reality, inflation is a daily struggle and will not be fixed unless the Federal Reserve is fixed. However, on most vital issues, Santorum is just insane. He is a guy that is pro-censorship, meaning that in his ideal world, the internet would be completely censored because, according to him, the internet "has a lot of bad" and needs a fix. Santorum is anti-freedom and anti-civil liberties. He supports the NDAA, which Obama signed into law. It basically gives the U.S. Military the authority to arrest, interrogate, torture and jail any American citizen on U.S. soil who commits "belligerent" act(s) against the U.S. government (the term "belligerent" is absolutely ambiguous). Not only that, but the President has the authority to murder the U.S. citizen that was termed to have committed a "belligerent" act against the United States. As president, Rick Santorum would outlaw gay marriage, outlaw contraception, outlaw abortion and a slew of other procedures. Rick Santorum always voted to increase the debt ceiling. What's worse is that Santorum is playing the "small government" ticket right now, and the people are buying it. Does Santorum sound like a guy that would support small government, given that he would preferably outlaw the above?

Rick Santorum is as corrupt as they get. In 2006, Santorum was unanimously held as the most corrupt Senator in the United States. As a result, he lost his 2006 re-election bid to Democrat Bob Casey Jr. by a margin of 41%-59%. Rick Santorum is also a politician that doesn't follow the laws he is supposed to abide by while serving the people. In 2004, it was discovered that Santorum was living in Virginia as well as Pennsylvania while being a Senator for Pennsylvania, which is clearly against the Constitution. You can read more about the 2004 incident here.

The only thing Santorum has going for him these days is that he shares his family life with the voters. People seem to love the fact that a presidential candidate like Santorum talks to openly about his family values and personal values, basically drawn in to that instead of stepping outside the box for a moment and realize who they are voting for.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ron Paul on CNN's State of the Union

Ron Paul interview on CNN's State of the Union.

Hilarious questions, some of them are. I really hope reporters will finally stop questioning Ron Paul's run for office. No, he won't stop running. Yes, he still has a chance to win. With all that is going on (Santorum starting to win, Gingrich's support starting to dwindle, Romney's support slipping), Ron Paul has a better chance than ever.

Keep preaching freedom Dr. Paul, keep preaching.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ron Paul Attracts Large Crowd in SeaTac and Spokane, Washington

Not a surprise here, rock star Ron Paul draws another large crowd in Washington, the state he is expected to win.

American people should look at these people and question why it is so many people are so passionate about Ron Paul and his plans for the country. Ron Paul is the governmental and political personification of honesty and common sense. It's time to wake up, America.



Ron Paul Is A Rock Star in Idaho

Ron Paul was probably surprised to see more than 2000 people gather to watch him speak in Moscow, Idaho.

Idaho isn't really known to be much of a presidential candidate stop over the past decades, but Ron Paul certainly did not follow tradition. It's safe to say that Ron Paul has acquired himself hundreds of additional supporters in Idaho with his visit there today.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ron Paul Draws Large Crown in Vancouver, Washington (February 16, 2012)

Here is a video of Ron Paul drawing a very large crowd in Vancouver, Washington. Not a surprise, Ron Paul is expected to do very well in Washington.

Ron Paul Left Out From Favorability Ratings

Here is a video clip of MSNBC's Chris Matthews reporting on a recent poll of favorability ranking in the national race for president.

Take a wild guess: Who do you think is left out of the poll, even though he has the highest favorability rating?

Answer: Ron Paul

What an absolute DISGRACE in journalism. Get a new job, Chris Matthews.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mitt Romney Faces Possibility Of Being Stripped From Maine Victory

With all the recent turmoil surrounding the Maine caucuses, recent developments suggest that Mitt Romney may be stripped form his victory in Maine. After Ron Paul supporters showed strong distaste for the results, GOP staff has decided to review the voting tally on March 10th, nearly 1 month after the caucuses were held Maine. For more on the story, click here.

Voter Fraud in Maine? Rachel Maddow Analyzes (Video)

Here is a video of Rachel Maddow from The Rachel Maddow Show discussing something that has never happened before in the history of US politics. Before Iowa this year, never in election history was a winner of a state named, and then changed due to voting differentials or some kind of mistakes in the voting process.

This is not a Ron Paul conspiracy people, this really happened and we must do something about it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ron Paul Having Fun Kicking Balloons After Speech

Gotta love this man. This is a genuine, honest human being. Ron Paul and the people are one.

If you haven't done so, please click here and donate to his campaign. Any amount, no matter how small, is a good donation.

"Rampant" Voter Fraud in Main Caucuses Reported

Fox News is reporting that there was rampant voting fraud in Main over the weekend.

(FOX19) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is back on track after winning the Maine caucuses.
What the headlines haven't told you is that what happened in Maine is the messiest caucus Republicans have had so far, and it may not be over yet.
So, was there rampant voter fraud in Maine? Ben is investigating in a Reality Check you won't see anywhere else.
For more, click here.

Typical Interaction Between a Ron Paul and Mitt Romney Supporter (Video)

This is a parody about an interaction between a Ron Paul supporter and a Mitt Romney supporter. Based on a true story.

Ron Paul Interview With Fox's Neil Cavuto (February 13, 2012)

This is Ron Paul's latest interview. It's with Neil Cavuto on Fox on February 13, 2012. Ron Paul goes over his 2nd place finish in the Maine Caucuses and what he things of the possibility of the results being associated with fraud.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ron Paul vs. Other Presidential Hopefuls on Conflict in Syria (Video Parody)

Here is another parody featuring Ron Paul and the rest of the GOP presidential hopefuls on the conflict in Syria.  Based on recent debates and their foreign policy, this is what a debate regarding Syria would most probably look like.

Ron Paul vs. Mitt Romney/Gingrich/Obama on the Economy

Here is a little video clip of a parody regarding the economic crisis here in the United States. This is as close to accurate as one can get in parody videos, so enjoy the show.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Petition To Tell Maine GOP To Count All Votes, Including Washington County

A new change.org petition is under way to send a message to the Maine GOP encouraging them to count ALL the votes cast in the Maine caucus, including the snowed out Washington County. After all, the Constitution states that the government or any body is allowed to interfere with general election results cast by the citizens of the United States. Coincidentally, Ron Paul does very well in Washington County, so helping out Mitt Romney in this case would be logical for the Maine GOP.

Sign the petition here: http://www.change.org/petitions/maine-gop-mainstream-media-count-all-caucus-results-including-washington-county

Ron Paul Interview With Face The Nation on ABC (February 12, 2012)

Ron Paul's interview from earlier in the day on February 12, 2012 on ABC's Face The Nation.

Ron Paul Playing Baseball in 1983 Congressional Baseball Game

Here is a video of Ron Paul playing baseball at the 1983 congressional baseball game. Athletic roots run deep for Ron Paul. He played center field back in the day.

Interesting fact: Ron Paul is the only congressman in history to hit a home run over the fence at the Congressional baseball game.

Ron Paul!

Ron Paul: How Many Other Candidates Talk About the Patriot Act and Civil Liberties?

Ron Paul is the only candidate running for presidency that values individual rights. He is the only candidate that is fighting for us, the people. Candidates like Obama and Romney focus on dubious threats, such as the threat of Iran, instilling fear into Americans, creating an environment that leads Americans to devalue their civil liberties.

Take Barack Obama as an example. On New Year's eve, he signed the NDAA, which in it's simplest sense allows the U.S. Military to arrest, interrogate (without the process of a trial) and murder a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil at the command of the president if that particular U.S. citizen is accused of "belligerent" acts towards the U.S. government. Now, the term "belligerent" is so vague, I'd be willing to bet that it's up to the president and his staff to decide on the ambiguity. In essence, American's are losing their 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and more constitutional amendment rights. The same story holds true for the Patriots act as well.

The truth is, giving up our basic civil liberties will not lead to a safer country. As long as we continue to invade countries like we do, play world police and wage undeclared wars all over the world, we will continue to instill hate across the world and garner even more danger and unwanted attention towards the citizens of the United States. Until we have developed a foreign policy that encourages diplomacy and free trade across the entire world, we will continue to have national security problems, no matter how many basic civil rights we give up.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ron Paul Addresses Supporters After Maine Caucus Results (February 11, 2012)

After a shocking 2nd place at the Main caucus events on Saturday, Ron Paul addressed his supporters, encouraging them to keep fighting against the status quo. He assured his supporters that the revolution for liberty has just begun and that there is still a long battle ahead up to the GOP convention in August.

Even though Mitt Romney won the state in 2008 with 52% of the vote, it's disappointing that this year, he can just make a few stops on the final day of voting and still come up with the victory in the state, even though the margin was only 3% (39% for Romney and 36% for Ron Paul, with approximately 95% of the votes reporting).

Still, what matters is the delegate count that will represent the presidential candidate in Florida later this summer and from that perspective, Ron Paul undoubtedly won Maine today.

War: Is Blood Shed Really Necessary?

The majority of presidential candidates running for office in 2012, seem to be in favor of a foreign policy that is heavy on violence, war and total disregard of human emotion. Take Rick Santorum, for example. He believes Iran is such a great threat to the United States that it's imperative for us to take up arms and invade Iran because of their "nuclear threat." It seems to me that Rick "Voted the Most Corrupt Senator in 2006" Santorum doesn't really understand the history or even the situation that we are in and consequently, the consequences if the United States were to invade another country.

In reality, North Korea is a million times the threat to United States national security than Iran. Unlike Iran, North Korea has a fully developed nuclear arsenal and air force that could strike the United States with just a signal from their leader. Yet, the fear campaign waged here in the United States instilled an inherent fear into the heads of the American people saying that somehow, Iran will send bombs over 7,000 miles away and attempt to kill Americans, even though they don't have any developed air force to do so (even if they did, a 7,000 mile distance is too arduous to overcome).

Then there is the argument that if the United States were not to invade Iran, Israel would be greatly compromised. The fact of the matter is that even Israel is in favor of the United States withdrawing troops from the region. In an earlier post (click here to access it), Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself told congress that Israel is capable and would prefer to handle their business themselves without interference from the United States.

Not only is undeclared war unnecessary, but it is evil in every sense of the word. War fuels hate, hate fuels terrorism. Freedom, friendship and diplomacy is not brought about by the barrel of a gun, but by talking with our neighbors around the world and opening ourselves up to free trade and an open market around the world. If you, or anyone else agrees, Ron Paul should be your choice to represent you as the President of the United States in 2012.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ron Paul Money Bomb on February 14th, 2012

Make sure you donate to Ron Paul's money bomb on February 14th, 2012. Every penny counts, so make your contribution on February 14th at www.ronpaul2012.com.

Every penny earned from www.votepaul2012.net will be donated to Ron Paul's official campaign, all the way throughout the GOP contest, from now through Summer 2012.

If every Ron Paul supporter were to donate to Ron Paul's campaign, his chances of being nominated increases exponentially. The more money Ron Paul raises, the more advertisements he can run on national and local TV and the more supporters he can reach via mail and telephone. In turn, he will have a much larger base of people receiving his message of liberty and open foreign policy.

Remember, once a Ron Paul supporter, always a Ron Paul supporter. Remember, do your part, donate and spread the message.

Strong Double Standard Regarding "Racism" in Politics

It's getting quite annoying that whenever Ron Paul is being interviewed on national television, whether it's Fox or CNN, the reporters are not shying away from asking Ron Paul about the racist newsletters he was supposedly involved with.

Even after denying the accusations a handful of times, the question doesn't seem to die down.

There is a strong double standard regarding the racism issue in politics. If you remember, in 2008, president Barack Obama was accused of being part of a church which was run by a well known racist pastor named Jeremiah Wright. In fact, this pastor officiated Barack Obama's wedding as well as his children's baptisms. Wright was also a long-time friend of Obama. Essentially, Obama had a direct association with a know racist and the story was not heavily reported on and clearly not an issue with his campaign and election in 2008.

Ron Paul's name has been thrown around the racist newsletter, to which he had absolutely no direct contact. In fact, Ron Paul is the only candidate running in 2012 that addresses the huge disparity with minorities in jails countrywide. He believes there is strong bias in the way laws are being written, especially in the drug laws, which place minorities as a disadvantage. He is the only candidate that is willing to fix these issues and counteract this judicial system imbalance.

Therefore, to call Ron Paul a racist is utter bigotry.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ron Paul Interview on The Situation Room (February 9, 2012)

Here a Ron Paul interview from earlier in the day (02/09/2012) with Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room. Discussion of the GOP election, Ron Paul's Gold Standard idea and more.

A Close Look At Today's Youth

Every day, we see the Federal Reserve terrorizing our monetary policy, the senseless wars we have waged that had no real purpose, the growing national debt and the crumbling economy. Yet, people don't take issue to these things as they should. People are getting burglarized by the federal government and cheated by the Federal Reserve, yet don't do anything about it simply because they don't care.

On the other hand, God forbid the New York Giants lost in the Super Bowl, all hell would break loose and probably riots would take place. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the sad world we live in. See for yourself below.

Excuse me while I ponder this situation.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's the Federal Reserve's biggest fear?

Over the years, Ron Paul was leading the way of an attempt at auditing the Federal Reserve to see what they were actually doing with our currency. Lo and behold, it was discovered that the Federal Reserve was responsible for 16 billion dollars ($16,000,000,000) in secret bailouts. Had Ron Paul not initiated this audit, we may have never found out what the Federal Reserve was doing.

Some people still wonder why Ron Paul dislikes the corrupt Federal Reserve. Well, if the above fact doesn't get to you, then I don't know what will. Not to mention the devaluation of currency because of unregulated printing of money, but that's a whole other issue.

Myth: Ron Paul Wants To Legalize Marijuana and Other Drugs

Many people have the belief that Ron Paul wants to legalize drugs like marijuana, cocaine, etc. Individuals that are especially opposed to the notion of legalizing drugs, for the fear of increased violence or crime, decide not to vote for Ron Paul because of this.

The truth of the matter is that Ron Paul does not want to legalize any form of drugs, although he does believe in personal freedom of choice.

However, what Ron Paul does advocate is to allocate the law making and decisions regarding drugs, such as marijuana, to the states. In other words, he would ideally want the states to decide the legality of drugs.
"... People should have freedom of choice. We certainly should respect the law and the law says that states should be able to determine this."
 People often confuse Ron Paul's personal belief with the plans he intends to implement if he were to become president. Personally, Ron Paul believes that prohibition of drugs is ineffective and simply does not work. In a perfect world where he had total power, he would most likely avoid prohibiting drugs. However, since he is a champion of the constitution, he respects the fact that the states, not the federal government, should ideally be responsible for such decisions.

Next time someone has doubts about Ron Paul because he wants to "legalize marijuana" or "legalize drugs," tell them what he really is planning to do, namely let the states decide on their own drug laws, as the constitution expresses.

Ron Paul Finishes 2nd in Minnesota; Santorum is 3/3

In a night full of surprises, Rick Santorum managed to win Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri (even though no delegates were awarded in Missouri). Ron Paul finishes 2nd place, and is looking forward to Maine, where he is poised to finish 1st place and collect his first victory of the year.

Wait, Rick Santorum won Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota?

It's mind numbing that Rick Santorum, the guy that devalues civil liberties, that is a big government lover, blood thirsty war monger and all around one of the most corrupt senators ever, could have such a successful night. I guess all the old folks and evangelical Christians were out in full force last night.

It just goes to show that no matter how good a certain candidate is for the future of this country, people will rather vote for candidates that share similar religious affiliation rather than a candidate that will save rights, save lives and has plans to get this country back on track.

Come on people, wake up already.

On a side note, quick summary of Rick Santorum:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ron Paul Interview with CNN's John King (February 7, 2012)

Interview on The Situation Room on CNN. Ron Paul's not holding back in telling CNN that cutting 1 trillion dollars in the first year is not only possible, but essential.

The Truth About Iran: Incentive to Vote for Ron Paul

In the United States, history of Iran starts in 1979, when the all famous revolution took place. But not many Americans know why the revolution happened and most Americans don't know that the United States was the main culprit for the destruction that took place. Not many Americans realize that the United States supplied Saddam Hussein with intelligence, weapons and money to fight Iran, just to invade Iraq and overthrow Hussein 13 years later.

Spread this video. Share this video on Facebook and make sure people understand the situation and understand why Ron Paul is the best choice for president in America.

Ron Paul in 2nd Place in Reuters/Ipsos National Poll

It's clear as day that Ron Paul is the candidate that is most capable of defeating Barack Obama.

Ron Paul's national support increased by 5 percentage points to 21%, while Mitt Romney's support fell 1% to 29%. Even though Mitt Romney has been winning the primaries in the previous states, it seems like Republicans are less and less inclined to potentially nominate Mitt Romney to take on Obama.

To no surprise, Newt Gingrich's support has also been slipping, 19% now from the previous 20% last month.

For more on the new Reuters/Ipsos poll, click here.

Ron Paul Memes: Foreign Policy and Economy

Monday, February 6, 2012

Quick 2012 Presidential Candidate Cheat Sheet

Sometimes, the amount of information presented to the average American is overwhelming. In fact, most of the information gathered from main stream media outlets via national debates and such is complete garbage. By complete garbage, I mean untrue. By untrue, I mean fabricated to please the American people because they know what you want to hear. So, here are the candidates and their congressional records on the following essential categories:

Ron Paul's Speech in Minneapolis, MN on February 6th, 2012

"The next president of the United States, Ron Paul."

Ron Paul Interview with Fox News' "On the Record"

Ron Paul's interview with On the Record on Fox News on February 6th, 2012. Ron Paul camp is preparing for a big Tuesday tomorrow, where Minnesota seems like a state that is up for grabs for every candidate, according to recent PPP polls.

More on Saturday's polls can be found here.

Ron Paul: Standing Up for the People 30 Years Running

Dr. Ron Paul has been in congress for decades. The man has been fighting for the people his entire life. He values liberty and prosperity in a country originally intended for every American to succeed. The has been preaching the same message to America for over 30 years. We have lost our path in the sea of greed, corruption and thirst for blood. It's time for us to start listening and infuse a sense of urgency and determination to the general public and finally instill the change that we have been longing for.

Stop Blaming the Mainstream Media

It's time we stop laying all the blame of the current events regarding the Ron Paul campaign on the main stream media. We are fortunate enough to be living in an age where information is readily available through the click of a button. In spite of the recent SOPA/PIPA bills, we are fortunate to have uncensored, user generated content on the internet so we can learn things that otherwise we couldn't do through the mainstream media. People all over the country and all over the world are able to share their stories, their information and thoughts so we can get information from all angles involved. What I am trying to state is the truthful, unbiased and accurate information on any candidate, whether it be Ron Paul, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama is available to be seen, if one were interested of seeing it.

The people themselves are as much at fault as the media itself. In the case of Ron Paul, we can all admit that the people are incredibly misinformed about Ron Paul's ideas, ideals and plans. It's not the media's fault though, so blaming them for all the bumps in the road thus far is not a completely viable argument. I, myself, never heard of Ron Paul before last year and most likely wouldn't have known much about the congressman if I didn't log onto the internet and start my own research outside of CNN or Fox. Odd to me, was the fact that CNN and Fox were blatantly ignoring Ron Paul and assumed him to be a "crazy" individual that was "unelectable." Well, curiosity took over and moments later I found myself on the internet reading about this Ron Paul guy and trying to find out what he was all about. With today's technology, everything from iPads and mobile phone with 4G internet connections, there really is no excuse for not looking farther into issues unless one simply doesn't care about the election, doesn't care about the country or simply doesn't care about the future given our depressing wars and evergrowing debt. I mean, if I were an American seeing the image below on the news, I would be thinking "Wow, this Ron Paul guy is actually pretty damn electable, look how well he is predicted to do against Obama. Let me find out more about him."

The media was all over Perry and Cain last year and it's nothing personal against Ron Paul. As we have all seen, the media will go after every candidate. Mitt Romney misspoke about him able to "fire" people, and that statement was taken completely out of context and used against him by mainstream media outlets. Rick Perry's anti-gay message was the same. He was demoralized by the mainstream media on that issue. We heard more about his "controversies" rather than his policies and ideas, regardless of whether those ideas were sensible or not. We may, as Ron Paul supporters, be bitter about the media twisting certain issues around, asking inappropriate questions and such. However, that's what the media does. It's a business and such treatments are not bound to any one candidate in particular. Perry was destroyed by the media, Cain was destroyed by the media as well as Huntsman being left to dry with no media coverage. Nevertheless, the reason the media could not take down Ron Paul (even though they'd attempted numerous times) is because the guy has the cleanest background by any candidate ever. He never changes his ideas to please the growd during debates and has been spreading the liberty message for decades.

The media does what the media has been doing ever singe it's inception. They label Ron Paul as the crazy old man, Mitt Romney as the corporate businessman, Gingrich as the unfaithful former speaker of the house and Santorum as the religious nut. The people have everything they need right in front of them, but it's up to them to decide if they care enough about our issues to take initiative and learn.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ron Paul Foreign Policy vs. Mitt Romney and the field: In Simple Terms

It's blatantly obvious that Ron Paul's foreign policy idea doesn't resonate well with the American public (for some strange reason). They love to eat all the crap mainstream media throws at them and as a response, senselessly regurgitating false information and using that false information as an argument (which is totally invalid). For example, we love to call Ron Paul an isolationist just because he opposes wars that were not legally declared. Instead, he promotes peaceful talks between countries and open trade as a gateway for peace and prosperity. Just because he doesn't believe that peace can be attained via the barrel of a gun, doesn't translate to him being an isolationist. Are people really that incompetent to understand this?

Anyway, on with the presentation:

Next Time You Encounter Someone Who Identifies Ron Paul as an "Isolationist"

Show them this image or simply use this analogy. Truth speaks volumes.

Ron Paul Interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos

Ron Paul's February 5th interview with This Week on ABC. Love the interview questions (sarcasm).

Voter Fraud Suspected in Nevada Caucuses

Seems like it's becoming clearer and clearer that voter fraud is a common theme during this year's GOP elections. Everything from deceased people voting in New Hampshire and South Carolina, to now there is a problem with some precincts in Nevada having more ballots cast than actual voters signed in.

According to Anjeanette Damon of the Las Vegas Sun, the crux of problem in Nevada is that there are precincts where more ballots cast than voters signed in (link below). It is also reported that Ron Paul's campaign attorneys were present when this news surfaced early Sunday morning.


Although no one is willing to jump the gun and announce voter fraud, it seems like that's the case as the day progresses. There were many complaints by Ron Paul supporters about Jewish Rabbi's being turned away from voting stations and forced to leave several lines waiting to enter the caucus locations.

Washington Post Reporting Potential Election Fraud

Ron Paul Dominates Clark County Voting in NV

Watch how Ron Paul's votes outnumber everyone else's. I wonder why there is a recount in Clark County at this moment.

Ron Paul Getting Some Well Deserved Airtime in Nevada

Great support in Nevada for Ron Paul. Everything was great until CNN cut off a Ron Paul supporter while he was giving an emphatic speech on why Ron Paul is the candidate we should all vote for.

CNN stops coverage when Ron Paul supporter starts speaking (@5:02):
or go here: http://youtu.be/7h4IFe6k9vY?t=5m2s

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ron Paul Has the Most Sound Foreign Policy (Israel agrees)

Many people argue that the reason they don't vote for Ron Paul is because of his foreign policy, specifically with his stance on Israel. Ron Paul thinks that Israel doesn't need our help anymore, that Israel can sustain itself. After all, Israel is one of the most succesfull countries in the world and could be considered a military powerhouse.

As a matter of fact, Israel agrees with Ron Paul. See for yourself below.

Full Ron Paul CNN interview with Piers Morgan

Why should we even end the Federal Reserve?

In 1913, congress successfully passed the Federal Reserve Act, which essentially established a central bank system and ended the control of the general currency by private banks. Today, the federal reserve keeps printing money, without any regulation, to pay for things that quite frankly, we can't even afford. Before the Federal Reserve was established, there was no income tax. The income tax was essentially created to pay to run the Federal Reserve system and later expanded to give people free medical care, personal retirement accounts and other unnecessary miscellaneous systems of entitlement.

You and I, your neighbor, your friends and anyone else are being robbed by this system of our hard earned money. Because of this constant abuse (printing money without any control), our money is worth less and less, year after year. This is the perfect environment for inflation, where the price of living increases, paying more money for things you really shouldn't. Want to know something else? In a recent Federal Reserve audit (which was a battle to request), it was shown that the Federal Reserve had given approximately 16 TRILLION dollars in bailouts WITHOUT the approval of anyone. We are all being robbed.

Check this out:

I mean, these are the people that are supposedly running our currency, yet have absolutely no idea what is happening with it. Are we seriously going to let this passively slip by?

This, ladies and gentlement, is the main reason our economy is heading for a collapse. You can try to create jobs, try to create nifty stimulus packages and so on, but as long as the Federal Reserve does what it does at the moment, we will keep crumbling. If the currency is not sound, the economy will not be sound, it's as simple as that.

Then there are the people that would argue that we can't remove the Federal Reserve immediately, that it's a bad idea, or what have you. The reality is, Ron Paul's plan is NOT to rid of the Federal Reserve in one day. It would logically take years to phase out the Federal Reserve. People may claim that we only need to reform the Federal Reserve, and even that may be plausible. But what people need to realize is that Ron Paul has been speaking out against the Federal Reserve and it's corruption for decades and only now are the American people realizing something is seriously wrong. Back in 2001, Ron Paul had been telling us how the Federal Reserve was creating a housing bubble. Eventually, he said (without any regulation) the housing bubble will burst, and be a contributing factor for an economic collapse. A fool, we called him. Crazy, we called him. But guess what happened? The bubble burst.

Now, Ron Paul is warning us that we are are heading for something much worse. I mean, think for a second. We have a Federal Reserve that keeps printing money without oversight, they keep devaluing our currency by continuously printing this currency without any proper assets to back the money up. You are printing this money that we do not have, by doing so you are creating a currency that loses it's value. Why are we doing this? We have to finance undeclared wars overseas, we have to finance upkeep of unnecessary military bases, we have to finance the aid we send all over the world, just to name a few. We don't have enough money for this, folks.

What kind of disaster does it take for us to finally start listening to Ron Paul? What will it take for us to understand and wake up?

Why even create a website like this?

Frankly, I am sick of people not being able to think for themselves.

Every time I turn on the television or go on any mainstream news website online (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, you name it), all I see are articles and videos dedicated to Romney and Gingrich. It's always Romney vs. Gingrich, Romney doing this, Gingrich doing that and even has articles about Santorum. All while completely ignoring the one guy that actually has plausible ideas and uses his brain (aka common sense).

Why are people so blind? Why are they such sheep and can't put together their own opinion without the media influencing them? The truth is, the media  shapes reality and there is no way around it. But at some instance, while watching the news, something has to click in people's brains.

You see all the neat little ideas that Romney and Gingrich throw out during the debates. For example, Newt Gingrich's proposal to build a lunar base/colony sometime during his presidential term. People seem to like that stuff. They cheer, praise Gingrich. Then Romney comes up with great ideas about bringing our economy to life, promising to use his investment skills to "create" jobs. Really, really neat ideas. But how would you do this? Romney, Gingrich and Santorum throw crap at the American people and they eat it all up, without thinking twice. Then, when it's Ron Paul's turn to speak, he presents himself as a guy with "boring" ideas because the guy actually understand where our problems are stemming from and how to go after the source of the problem, rather than try to evade the source of the problem and just try to sound like they will fix the issue, when in reality nothing will change. Remember Obama's "change" speeches? Yea, that's what I'm talking about. It's good to dream folks, but reality sucks.

The fact is, we are a nation that is in an enormous crisis. We are 15+ trillion dollars in debt and growing, increasing at about 2 trillion dollars per year. (as a result, we are suffering a prolonged inflation period). The truth is, none of the plans that the other candidates wildly talk about will work in the bigger picture. Sure, you might build a base on the moon, but you are only hurting the American people with those ideas. Sure, you want to create new jobs and decrease the national debt, but the plans don't allow for such improvements.

None of the candidates talk about how they are effectively going to decrease the debt. President Obama keeps on raising the debt ceiling, we keep spending beyond our means and we, the people, are hurting because our dollar is worth less and less with the constant printing of currency going on.

Nobody goes after the SOURCE of the problems. All the other candidates (other than Ron Paul) side-step the source of the economic problems, and try to find solutions which might sound good to the American people, but in the long run, will become a burden to the people. Romney and Obama's idea to fix our debt burden, in a nutshell, is to tax the American people at higher rates. Sure, this method might work in SLOWLY reducing the national debt, but all of this comes at a cost, especially to the poor and middle class. Sure you are taxing the wealthier folks at higher rates, but the majority of the burden will be on the middle class and poor, which are plenty more numerous than the wealthy in this country. We keep placing the majority of the burden on the middle class and this is why the middle class is disappearing.

Let's think for a second here. Wouldn't it be much more plausible and sensible to try and reduce the debt by cutting unnecessary spending on the federal level, rather than burden the people with the immoral taxation for the things that weren't even approves (for example, it's incredibly unfair to place the war burden on the American people for constitutionally undeclared wars, such as the war in Iraq). Why not remove unnecessary bureaucracies, such as the federal department of education (let states take care of educational requirements and allotments) and the TSA. Not only will this decrease the national debt at a faster rate than simply increase taxes on the general population, but you will not burden the people of this country to pay for the immoral debt and in the long run, encourage enterprise innovation. People will have more money to create businesses, create jobs and resurrect the middle class, which is dying out quicker than we could have ever imagined.