Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ron Paul: How Many Other Candidates Talk About the Patriot Act and Civil Liberties?

Ron Paul is the only candidate running for presidency that values individual rights. He is the only candidate that is fighting for us, the people. Candidates like Obama and Romney focus on dubious threats, such as the threat of Iran, instilling fear into Americans, creating an environment that leads Americans to devalue their civil liberties.

Take Barack Obama as an example. On New Year's eve, he signed the NDAA, which in it's simplest sense allows the U.S. Military to arrest, interrogate (without the process of a trial) and murder a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil at the command of the president if that particular U.S. citizen is accused of "belligerent" acts towards the U.S. government. Now, the term "belligerent" is so vague, I'd be willing to bet that it's up to the president and his staff to decide on the ambiguity. In essence, American's are losing their 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and more constitutional amendment rights. The same story holds true for the Patriots act as well.

The truth is, giving up our basic civil liberties will not lead to a safer country. As long as we continue to invade countries like we do, play world police and wage undeclared wars all over the world, we will continue to instill hate across the world and garner even more danger and unwanted attention towards the citizens of the United States. Until we have developed a foreign policy that encourages diplomacy and free trade across the entire world, we will continue to have national security problems, no matter how many basic civil rights we give up.


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